Remote hearing FAQs
Animated Guidance Video
Remote hearing FAQs
The COVID-19 pandemic required courts and tribunals to adapt their mode of operation to ensure access to justice and the law was changed to allow our hearings to be held using remote technology. Remote hearings avoid having to travel to hearing venues and allows you to connect to a hearing in the comfort of your own environment. This also means that we are able to hear appeals more efficiently and in a timelier manner.
The Tribunal hearing your dispute will be using Microsoft Teams, but you do not need the software in order to participate. All you will need is either a computer with a camera, speaker and microphone, or a mobile phone with the same facilities. However, if you prefer it is possible to join the hearing by telephone by dialling the number provided.
Don’t worry. A member of the Tribunal Support Team will contact you before the hearing to offer a practice call. If you require this assistance please respond to the communication with your availability and it will be arranged accordingly. Please provide a minimum of 24 hours’ notice.
We will email you a link to join closer to the hearing date. You simply click on this link to connect.
The Valuation Tribunal is only able to take evidence that is given from within the United Kingdom (UK). Parties to an appeal may not take part in a remote hearing from outside of the UK.
There is no automatic right to give evidence from abroad. Should you intend to give evidence from abroad you must contact the Tribunal and seek permission to do so.
Anyone wishing to observe a hearing from abroad may do so.
The process is the same. Please read the Tribunal’s protocol prior to the hearing as this sets out what you need to do. The Tribunal will rely on the evidence/argument provided in your written submission and/or presentations on the day.
The Tribunal will only consider holding a face-to-face hearing if the President of the Valuation Tribunal is satisfied that the appeal is best dealt with in this way rather than remotely. Any application for a face-to-face hearing must be made to the President on the prescribed form and needs to be supported by compelling reasons explaining why a virtual hearing is not suitable. Completed Form should be emailed to
Download Application-for-a-face-to-face-hearing
We may be able to arrange the hearing through a telephone conference. In addition, if both parties agree we can consider your appeal entirely on the papers without any hearing taking place.
If the date of your hearing is not convenient please contact us and we will change it if there is a good reason for the request. However, evidence should be exchanged before a postponement is requested because you may be able to settle the case and a hearing will not be necessary.
Tribunals hear a number of cases and often run all day, usually between 9:00 am until 5:00 pm. We will confirm with you the time you need to join the hearing for your appeal.
We may be able to vary the start time if it suits all those involved, please contact us immediately and we will see if it is possible.
The Tribunal Members will have already read your written submission beforehand and will be familiar with your arguments and evidence. Therefore it is anticipated that most hearings will be completed within one hour.
Yes, please let us know who they are. They can be sent the link to join the hearing if they will be in a different location to you.
Anyone can observe a hearing, providing they make it known in advance. Their names will not be provided, they will only be visible as a circular icon on the screen containing their initials during the hearing. In practice, very few hearings are observed by members of the public.
You should have your camera on while speaking where possible. However, clear audio is more important so please let us know before the start of your hearing if you do not intend to use your camera.
If you encounter any technical difficulties during the hearing and you cannot re-join promptly, please email the clerk of the Tribunal (their details will be provided to you) so everyone is aware. We will be monitoring the connection during the hearing. Should the connection be lost the hearing will be adjourned until you are able to reconnect.
You will be given an opportunity to question the other side’s case.
The Tribunal retains the power to inspect if it considers this necessary. However, it is the responsibility of the parties to ensure that any matters relied upon are adequately evidenced. Photographs usually avoid the need for inspections.
Should you require an interpreter to translate you must inform us as soon as you receive the notice of hearing so that we can make the necessary arrangements. Please remember the interpreter cannot act on your behalf, they will only be able to translate what is said for you.