How remote hearings work
This page takes you through the day of the remote hearing step by step. You will need access to Microsoft Teams to join the hearing. Microsoft Teams can be accessed through most phones or laptop devices.
The hearing is conducted by Microsoft Teams. Your allocated Tribunal Support Officer (TSO) will be able to show you how to use this. The hearing should last about an hour.
Before the day of the remote hearing
Your allocated Tribunal Support Officer will be able to help you in using Microsoft Teams. If you would like a trial run through before the hearing, please contact them to arrange this.
Around 7 days up to the hearing date, you will receive the formal Microsoft Teams invitation from the clerk to the hearing. You will also be given a time to join.
What to wear
There is no dress code, but we would recommend you wear smart/casual clothes.
When to join the hearing via Microsoft Teams
To make sure you can connect to the hearing in good time, we suggest you join the hearing at least 5 minutes early.
Once joined, you will be held in a waiting room (lobby) until the hearing can start. The clerk will admit you to the hearing at your given time.
Who will be at the hearing?
The panel that hears your case will normally be made up of two people, a member and a chairman, who will be introduced to you.
The clerk to the hearing will be there to offer advice to the panel on the relevant law, practice and procedures.
Finally, there may be a representative from the other party (Valuation Office Agency (VOA) or council) there who you may know from your negotiations before the hearing.
Please note that as tribunal hearings are public meetings, members of the public are able to observe. However, most hearings are not usually observed.
What happens at the remote hearing?
The clerk will introduce everyone at the hearing. The panel chairman may say a few words to put you at ease. The hearing is as informal as possible, but as these are judicial proceedings, there may be some formality.
The hearing will last about an hour. However, it depends on the complexity of the case and how much evidence each side presents.
The panel will decide who will put their case first. But if you would prefer to give your case first or second, please let us know.
During the hearing:
• The panel will ask you and the VOA to present your cases
• You will be able to ask the VOA questions
• The VOA will be able to ask you questions
• The panel and the clerk can ask you and the VOA questions.
Before the panel retires to makes its decision, they will ask you if you would like to summarise your case (in other words, go over the main points of your case again).
The panel will retire to consider its decision once it has all the evidence it needs. The clerk will be asked to join the panel at some point to assist with technical or legal advice, and to help draft the decision.
You can read more about what happens at the hearing in the guidance booklets here.