About VTS
The Valuation Tribunal Service (VTS) delivers a range of services to the Valuation Tribunal for England (VTE).
The VTE hear and determine appeals made by people and businesses who pay council tax or non-domestic rates.
Our role
We are a statutory and independent organisation that provides administrative services to the Valuation Tribunal for England (VTE). The VTE is a legal body. Together we are known as the Valuation Tribunal.
The Tribunal hears and determines disputes that are made by ratepayers and/or council tax payers because they are challenging decisions taken by the local council or the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) on their council tax or business rates.
What we do
We aim to provide the fairest, most effective and efficient service we can to those who appeal their council tax or business rates.
The difference between VTS and VTE
The VTS provides the administration to the Valuation Tribunal for England (VTE). The VTS is headed by a Board appointed by the Secretary of State from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG).
The VTS is managed by a Chief Executive.
The VTE is the legal body that hears and determines appeals. The Valuation Tribunal is headed by a President, appointed by the Lord Chancellor.
Our relationship with local councils and the VOA
The Tribunal hears appeals from those who have received decisions from their council or the Valuation Office Agency. The Tribunal or the VTS is not connected with any council or the Valuation Office Agency, who are separate bodies.
Legislation relevant to our functions
There are a number of Acts of Parliament and Statutory Instruments (SIs) which set out the jurisdiction of the Valuation Tribunal and the way it works.
You can find the legislation on the following website: www.legislation.gov.uk