About the Valuation Tribunal of England (VTE)

The VTE is the legal body that hears appeals and is headed by a President. He is assisted by two Vice-Presidents. The President and the Vice-Presidents are all appointed by the Lord Chancellor and receive remuneration for the work they do.

The VTE chairs and members are appointed by the Lord Chancellor. They are non-paid. They can claim expenses and, where necessary, earnings lost when on approved tribunal duties.

All appointments to the Tribunal are made through the Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) following application, test and interview.  Our membership is made up of a mix of professions. A legal qualification is not a requirement of membership.  Tribunal Members are required to undertake and pass training on the subject matter prior to sitting on appeals. Members are also required to undertake continuous development training.

Normally two members will convene as a panel to hear an appeal (although this may be varied by the President). However, each panel must consist of at least one senior member (either the President, a Vice-President or a chairman).

The VTE is supported in its work by the Valuation Tribunal Service.

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