Preparing evidence for a completion notice appeal
A representative from your local council will normally attend the hearing. They will present their evidence and argument as to why they think the completion notice is correct. It is therefore important that you prepare thoroughly for your hearing. Gathering evidence to support your case can take time and effort.
We have a range of guidance that may assist you.
What to think about?
You should make sure that your case explains the issues that you and the local council disagree about and the decision you want from the tribunal. The panel will consider evidence provided by both sides before they can make a decision.
You should set out your arguments that support your case (including any legislation or case law) and enclose any evidence that you have to support this.
You may find it useful to look at previous tribunal decisions about other completion notice appeals as these may give you an indication of what other appellants have used as evidence to argue their case.
There is also the Tribunal’s guidance and Consolidated Practice Statement, which may be relevant to your case.
If you intend to rely on case law, the case will not need to be included in full in your bundle of evidence submitted to the Tribunal if it appears on this case law list. However, you must include the relevant extract you intend to rely on, together with an explanation of how it assists your case.
You may also find useful information on the following websites: and
Types of evidence you could provide (and where to find it)
You will need to inform the panel of the exact state the property was in when the council served the completion notice. You can support your appeal by:
- Showing photographs
- Giving a list of the work that is still needed to be done when you received the completion notice along with costings; and
- Telling the panel how many days you think that it would have taken to finish the property when you received the completion notice